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Posts classified under: Immigration Visa

May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021

Refuge Visa

Canada offers refugee protection to people in Canada who face persecution in their home country or the country where they normally live, or who would face persecution if they returned thereto country. you’ll make a refugee claim within Canada once you arrive by land, sea or air

Eligible for Refugee

Foreign nationals, who fear persecution, who are at serious risk of harm and who cannot get protection in their own country often seek refuge in Canada. people that are recognized as refugees are allowed to remain in Canada and should apply for permanent residence status, and eventually may apply to become Canadian citizens.

Work in Canada as a Refugee

As a refugee claimant, you would like a piece permit and a social welfare Number (SIN) to figure in Canada. First apply for a piece permit from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). … As a refugee claimant, you are doing not got to pay a fee to use for a piece permit or a SIN.

May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021

Canada Citizenship

Canadian citizenship is one of the most desired citizenship in the world an in order to achieve it one have to meet it’s eligibility criteria which is as follows;

Citizenship application eligibility requirements:-

  • Permanent resident status:
  • applicant must have a permanent resident status in canada and must not be the subject of an immigration investigation , an immigration inquiry or an order from canadian officials to leave canada
  • Time lived in canada:
  • regardless of the age , completed the required physical presence in canada, as a permanent resident i.e ; 3 years out of the five year period.
  • before applicant became a permanent resident , their time spent in canada, within 5 years of applying for citizenship , count as half days towards physical presence requirement.
  • Income tax filing:
  • applicant must have paid their taxes for 3 years during the 5 years prior to their application
  • Language abilities:
  • if the applicant is 18 to 54years old , they will require to demonstrate that they are able to communicate in either french or english in order to become canadian citizen
  • Your knowledge about canada:
  • if the applicant is 18 to 54 old, they will need to pass a canadian citizenship test.
  • Criminal offence:
  • if the applicant has commited a crime , in or outside canada , they may be ineligible for citizenship for a period of time . Time spent serving a term of imprisonment ,parole,or probation doesn’t count as time they have lived in canada.
May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021

Work Permit Exception

As everything comes with it’s exception the same applies here as though work permit is required to work in canada but still their are some jobs and occupation available in canada which allows the natives or foreign nationals to work here without any need of a valid work permit.

But the indiviual must possess a valid temporary resident visa or electronic travel authorization in order get a clear crystal entry in canada they may also have to the company letter or other documents supporting the geniune reason behind their visit to canada (work).

Following are the occupation that comes under this category:-

  1. Atheltes their teams
  2. Aviation accident or incident inspector
  3. Business visitor
  4. Civil aviation inspector
  5. Clergy
  6. Convention organiser
  7. Crew members
  8. Emergency servers
  9. Examiners
  10. Expert witness or investigator
  11. Foreign government officer
  12. Foreign representatives and their families
  13. Health care students
  14. Implied status
  15. judges, referees and similar officials
  16. Military personal
  17. News reporter
  18. Performing arts
  19. Public speakers
  20. On campus employment and some off – campus work.
May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021

As the trend of studying abroad is enhancing among the youth of all nations thereby, making study permit the best way to accomplish their dream. As the study permit makes one eligible to go for further studies in a designated learning institute in Canada; provided that it doesn’t mean that it makes one eligible to enter Canada as an individual will require a visitor visa or electronic travel authorization (ETA). As if the study is approved any one of the above will be issued.

In order to get a valid study permit, an applicant must follow the following steps:-

Proof of Acceptance / Offer letter:

At an initial stage letter of acceptance is required which will be available only after paying the college’s / university’s application fee. Provided that an applicant meets all the admission requirements. The program shall be more than six months long.

Proof of financial support:

The next step involves showing financial stability that must be sufficient to finance tuition fees of at least the commencing year along with the living and all other accompanying expenses.

Medical clearance:

Following up next step is to get your medical done by a certified IRCC medical physician and get the medical clearance.

Proof of Identity:

After all the above steps the most crucial step is to include the arranging of all your documents in a file so that they may not lose; especially a passport of the applicant is the main proof of his/her identity and without one cannot travel. Thereby it’s advisable to keep it as safe as possible.

Proof of police clearance:

Considering the home country the applicant must not have any criminal background as the IRCC may request to have a check on your police clearance certificate (PCC).

Other requirements:

Assure the visa officer about leaving Canada after the completion of the study and must also show all other documents they may ask for.

The student who got their results positive in the above-mentioned steps will get their study permit after getting their visa (TRV; ETA) and must show approval at a Canadian port for entry in Canada. Make sure the program you are applying to shall be more than 6 months as students can’t travel if the program they are about the study is less than six months.